Have you been feeling buffeted by life? You may think it’s just you, but in fact, you are not alone. These past months such intense events and emotions have been in flux for many. It’s no wonder that you find it difficult to hold your footing amidst these tides of change.

Image courtesy of Visual Hunt: Foter.com.
These are powerful currents afoot. The Universe is inviting the winds of truth to disperse any illusion that has held us in its grip.
What do I mean by illusion? Anything that does not allow us to see things—and ourselves—as they (we) truly are. We spin story lines that allow us to ignore the truth, so that we maintain the status quo. To keep intact that which has been.
More importantly, we close our eyes to what our body knows to be true.
Do we ignore this outer chaos? Dismiss it? Indeed not. For that only denies a part of our experience and denial is what has gotten us here, mired in false stories.
Mirror, mirror
Yes, there is inner work to be done, to come to greater truths about ourselves and our relationships. At the same time, this need is mirrored in our world: chaos, confusion and division threaten to consume as they are being revealed.
Let us, collectively, see this mirror for what it is: a reflection of unease. That is, something that is hidden from view, disruptive. Unease and disruption compel our attention. But that is a good thing. Our attention is needed so that unease does not become dis-ease.
Because with this invitation from the Universe comes a demand. Sometimes there are illusions hiding other, deeper illusions. So we must always return inwards to find the light to guide our way.
As long as our vision is directed outwards, we will not see the inner fire of truth, only the reflection that is generated. We require more than reflection to find our way.
If we look carefully, we see that what has been unearthed opens the door for new possibility. New light.
Ground in Love
What is the answer? The connective tissue of our embedded inter-relatedness must be given the opportunity to mend. It needs nourishment from illumined light and fresh air.
It requires grounding in Love. The vibration of Love, for yourself and for each other, flourishes in the illumined light of truth.
Let the Fire of Truth Consume Illusion
Hold fast to inner truth that is revealed as the fires consume illusion. There is no need for fear. What is needed instead? Willingness. Willingness to unearth what does not serve you so that it can disperse in the winds. You will revel in that release, unburdened and more free than you could imagine.
You may not know what will fill the gap where illusion once reigned. In fact, you probably won’t. Because this emptiness is the void, the space that stands between what you have released and what has not yet formed.
It is a vital, necessary place, filled with potent possibility.
Let your willingness expand to open your heart to receive the light. Be willing to rest in this space so that you can receive something fresh and new. @TheBacaJourney (Click to Tweet!)
A new year is coming. Let a new you receive it, as you receive a new world.
Laurie Seymour is a mentor/guide, #1 best-selling author, host of the Wisdom Talk Radio podcast and founder of The Baca Journey. She helps women and men who are in the midst of great change to have a direct experience of their inner wisdom, dissolving self-doubt. Then she provides the strategies to sustain their inner connection so that they live the life they know is possible with confidence. Start now with a complimentary exploratory session (virtual tea!). Let’s explore where you’ve been and illuminate where you’re heading.
Image courtesy of Greg Rakozy.
The post Finding the Light to Guide Your Way Through appeared first on Positively Positive.